The Steps to Do Fodmap Diet Method for People with IBS

HEWI Published on May 12, 2023

People with irritable bowel syndrome or IBS are suggested to do a diet program. The specific diet program they have to take is known as a fodmap diet. If you are diagnosed as a person with IBS, you have to learn the diet first and apply it regularly.

What Fodmap Diet Is

Fodmap is the abbreviation of Fermentable Oligo, Di-Mono-saccharides and Polyols. The diet method controls your eating habit in which you are not allowed to eat specific types of carbs. Those carbs are forbidden for people who are doing a fodmap diet because it triggers digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas, and stomach pain. You have to classify the carbs based on the group.

For example, you have to stop eating wheat, rye, legumes, garlic, and onions because they are Oligosaccharides. You also need to stop eating yogurt and soft cheese because they are included in the disaccharides group. There are also some carbs which are not allowed to eat for fodmap dieters such as honey, mangoes, blackberries, and lychee because they are monosaccharides and polyols.

The Steps to Do This Diet Method

There are several steps you need to follow while doing a fodmap diet method. First, you have to avoid the foods which included in the group of fodmap. You have to do it for 3 to 8 weeks. The main purpose of this step is to produce gut health bacteria. Second, after 8 weeks you can start to reintroduce the fodmap foods by testing them one by one. The function of this step is to identify the types of fodmap foods you can tolerate.

It is also an important step to establish the amount of fodmap foods you can tolerate. Try to consume the foods one by one for three days. Third, it is the step where you have to manage the foods you can eat and you can’t eat based on the classification you have made in the second step.

What you have to know is that the fodmap diet method is not suitable for losing weight or daily life. This diet method is only for people who are suffered from IBS. Because of that, it is a must to make sure that you have IBS problem. Go to the doctor and check your actual health to get the right diagnosis.

Then, start to follow the steps of the fodmap diet method to reduce the symptoms and your stomach will be more comfortable. In the long term, it reduces stomach pain because you are only eating the foods you can tolerate.

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